This is a Public Service Announcement for anyone flying JetBlue out of JFK next Wednesday: Allot some extra time to get through the security line, as hordes of Taylor Swift fans will likely be trying to dupe TSA agents into letting them into the terminal without boarding passes. As part of a promotional deal with the airline, Swift will be playing a short five-song set inside the terminal for 30 lucky contest winners and all the properly ticketed passengers running to make the flight that Swift and Co. made them late for. Should you be lucky enough to be flying on a day when getting through airport security is only the regular amount of annoying, know that the Swift will still get to you: “The airline will promote Ms. Swift’s album for at least two months on its in-flight entertainment network … Among other placements, she will be featured in a brief commercial that runs — and cannot be turned off — after takeoff.” [NYT]