Are you a gorgeous actress in her twenties with pale skin and A-list credentials? Congratulations: You’re almost certainly one of the many, many women that Baz Luhrmann is considering to star as Daisy Buchanan opposite Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire in his big-screen take on The Great Gatsby. Despite the fact that Rebecca Hall played the role at a recent reading, the part is still up for grabs in what is turning out to be the distaff version of all those superhero shortlists we’ve seen over the past year; Deadline says that Luhrmann is keen on previously rumored actresses Hall and Amanda Seyfried, but is also considering Keira Knightley, Blake Lively, Abbie Cornish, Michelle Williams, Scarlett Johansson, and Natalie Portman. Now would be the time for Carey Mulligan, Rachel McAdams, and Kristen Stewart to place concerned calls to their agents. [Deadline]