Was the Steve Martin event at the 92nd Street Y on Monday too focused on the art world, and not enough on, well, Steve Martin? The 92Y thinks so and has issued a formal apology and a promise of a gift certificate equal to the $50 ticket price for the event for those who attended the talk hosted by The New York Times Magazine columnist Deborah Solomon. Apparently the Y was hoping for a conversation covering Martin’s long career in comedy, but they ended up with an interview primarily focused on art. Though it’s easy to understand why the Y would be disappointed, maybe they should’ve seen this coming. After all, Martin is an avid art collector and is currently promoting a novel about an art dealer, and Solomon has worked as an art critic in the past. The Y has since defended their position, claiming that they were dealing with audience complaints and that the event did not meet the institutions “standard of excellence.” Understandably, both Solomon and Martin say they’re offended by the Y’s harsh critique of their discussion. Martin released the following statement: “As for the Y’s standard of excellence, it can’t be that high because this is the second time I’ve appeared there.” If only he’d been that funny at the Y!