
Don’t Ask Ryan Gosling About His Movie All Good Things

Ryan Gosling is currently in theaters with both Blue Valentine and All Good Things, but he’s only interested in promoting the first film. “I try not to make too many movies,” he explains to the L.A. Times. “I get sick of myself, so I can imagine how everyone else feels. And for the two to come out at the same time, it makes me feel sick.” The paper suggests that Gosling clashed with All Good Things director Andrew Jarecki while shooting, and indeed, Gosling is hesitant to say he’s proud of the fact-based drama, which cast him as a probable murderer: “I’m proud of what Kirsten [Dunst] does in the movie,” he says, later adding, “It was a hard film to make because it was such a dark experience. Just the story itself, trying to understand the things that your gut tells you you don’t want to feel for this person. It’s an interesting experience to have, but you’re happy when it’s over.” [LAT]

Don’t Ask Ryan Gosling About His Movie All Good Things