CBS has unleashed a trailer for Live to Dance, the reality show Paula Abdul is bouncing back with after getting dropped from Idol, and it looks totally nuts. The angle on this particular dance-based reality-TV competition show — differentiating it from Dancing With the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance, Dance Your Ass Off, and, of course Dance War: Bruno vs. Carrie Ann — seems to be a sort of America’s Got Talent open-door policy. That means the trailer boasts a head-spinning collection of tap dancers, wee-child break-dancers, at least one chick spinning around a tiny bicycle (?), and an adorable grandma who helpfully repeats the show’s purportedly inspiring title and catchphrase. But the biggest takeaway: Get ready for a whole lot of Paula Abdul saying stuff in a bewildering, halting delivery. Abdul: “I want [pause] different. I want [pause] new. I want [pause] amazing people that live in their [pause] unique ability.”