Fantasia Barrino wasn’t happy to be omitted from the Grammy tribute to Aretha Franklin — in fact, despite her win for Best Female Vocal Performance, she didn’t attend because of the snub. “There is no way I could have sat there and not got the happy feet and wanting to jump on the mic because she is my favorite,” Barrino told 106 & Park the next day. “So I felt like, you know, at the end of the day I should have been on that stage so, I kind of did my own little thing last night.” Franklin herself isn’t having it, though, and responded in a new statement: “I was sorry to hear that Fantasia was upset because she did not get the opportunity to participate in my Grammy Tribute this year. I recall that in the past, Fantasia participated in both my MusicCares Person of the Year Tribute and my United Negro College Fund Tribute. Fantasia is still young in the business and although we all love and appreciate her she must understand that in this business of show business she will not always get to participate in everything she would like participate in. I’m sure it was not an intentional omission. I will see Fantasia over the summer here in Detroit.” Kudos on the friendly/icy last sentence! [HuffPo]