Joe Wright really hates T&A-focused girl power, and he thinks movies like Sucker Punch are a big part of the problem. “For me, one of the main issues in terms of women’s place in society and feminism is the sexual objectification of women,” said Wright, speaking at Wondercon in L.A. on Saturday. “That’s something that feminists in the ’70s tried to fight against but has been totally lost in the 21st century consumer-celebrity world. So for me, when I look at the poster for Sucker Punch it seems actually incredibly sexist, because it is sexually objectifying women regardless of if they can shoot you or not.”
“I have a kind of immediate, knee-jerk reaction to such iconography,” Wright continued. “I remember when the Spice Girls came out in the mid-’90s and it was all about girl power, but one of them was dressed as a baby doll, do you know what I mean? That isn’t girl power, that isn’t feminism. That’s marketing bullshit. And I find it very, very alarming.” Wright’s Hanna, in which a totally not-scantily clad young girl kicks a bunch of ass, opens on Friday.
Hanna Director Joe Wright Slams Sucker Punch’s Girl Power, Spice Girls: ‘That’s Marketing Bullshit’ [Movieline]