kurt cobain

MTV V.J. John Norris Recalls Where He Was When Kurt Cobain Died

Today is the seventeenth anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death, and oldie-but-goodie MTV V.J. John Norris still remembers exactly where he was: “As un-rock n roll as it sounds, I was standing in Charivari, a one-time super trendy clothing store on West 57th Street, buying a suit for some upcoming event. This being the pre-mobile phone era, MTV called the store and asked to put me on the phone. They let me know the sickening, but sadly, somehow not entirely unbelievable news. I was back at the studio within fifteen minutes, where we put together several hours of programming, Kurt Loder conducting interviews (including David Fricke who famously called Cobain the “John Lennon of his generation”), while I talked music and intro’d music videos. It is to this day, one of the moments at MTV about which I get asked the most.” [Gothamist]

MTV V.J. John Norris Recalls Where He Was When Kurt Cobain Died