Rubber’s Psychotic Tire, and Nine Other Murderous Inanimate Objects
Photo: Realitism Films

In Quentin Dupieux’s bizarre Rubber, opening today, a desert town is under siege from a very unlikely source: Robert, a tire with the ability to make heads explode (and the intent to use that power over and over). You wouldn’t normally expect that kind of behavior from something as innocuous as a run-of-the-mill, discarded tire, but it’s only the latest inanimate object to cause mucho mayhem onscreen. Vulture has collected ten of the most memorably destructive objects ever; now that you’ve been warned, don’t let them catch you unaware!

Is It Sentient? It's got telekinetic powers that kill insects, birds, and people. Why? No reason!
How Damaging Is It? Tremendously. Once it starts ... Is It Sentient? It's got telekinetic powers that kill insects, birds, and people. Why? No reason!
How Damaging Is It? Tremendously. Once it starts vibrating, someone's head is bound to explode. (You'll never view a Firestone the same way again.)
How Damaging Is It? Tremendously. Once it starts ... Is It Sentient? It's got telekinetic powers that kill insects, birds, and people. Why? No reason!
How Damaging Is It? Tremendously. Once it starts vibrating, someone's head is bound to explode. (You'll never view a Firestone the same way again.)

Are They Sentient? Yes: Upset at human pollution, plants decide to release an airborne toxin that will induce suicide.
How Damaging Are They? To p... Are They Sentient? Yes: Upset at human pollution, plants decide to release an airborne toxin that will induce suicide.
How Damaging Are They? To people, very damaging. To M. Night Shyamalan's career, even more so!
How Damaging Are They? To p... Are They Sentient? Yes: Upset at human pollution, plants decide to release an airborne toxin that will induce suicide.
How Damaging Are They? To people, very damaging. To M. Night Shyamalan's career, even more so!

Is It Sentient? It's strongly implied (SPOILER ALERT) that the villain-dispatching icicle that falls and clobbers Stanley Tucci is heaven-sent.
How... Is It Sentient? It's strongly implied (SPOILER ALERT) that the villain-dispatching icicle that falls and clobbers Stanley Tucci is heaven-sent.
How Damaging Is It? Fatal! Stanley Tucci really should never have left his Very Suspicious House of Molesting (icicles can't get you when you're inside with the blinds drawn and the lights off to accentuate your evilness).
How... Is It Sentient? It's strongly implied (SPOILER ALERT) that the villain-dispatching icicle that falls and clobbers Stanley Tucci is heaven-sent.
How Damaging Is It? Fatal! Stanley Tucci really should never have left his Very Suspicious House of Molesting (icicles can't get you when you're inside with the blinds drawn and the lights off to accentuate your evilness).

Is It Sentient? It does have an unerring ability to land directly on Wile E. Coyote, no matter the height it's falling from.
How Damaging Is It? Th... Is It Sentient? It does have an unerring ability to land directly on Wile E. Coyote, no matter the height it's falling from.
How Damaging Is It? Though it looks painful, at least it's not permanent.
How Damaging Is It? Th... Is It Sentient? It does have an unerring ability to land directly on Wile E. Coyote, no matter the height it's falling from.
How Damaging Is It? Though it looks painful, at least it's not permanent.

Is It Sentient? Nope. Though it stands up pretty well by itself!
How Damaging Is It? The Lovely Bones's icicle only hit Stanley Tucci on his should... Is It Sentient? Nope. Though it stands up pretty well by itself!
How Damaging Is It? The Lovely Bones's icicle only hit Stanley Tucci on his shoulder. This pencil goes straight through a bad guy's head. Point, pencil.
How Damaging Is It? The Lovely Bones's icicle only hit Stanley Tucci on his should... Is It Sentient? Nope. Though it stands up pretty well by itself!
How Damaging Is It? The Lovely Bones's icicle only hit Stanley Tucci on his shoulder. This pencil goes straight through a bad guy's head. Point, pencil.

Is It Sentient? Not really — the Marcia-braining football in question is accidentally thrown by Peter — but did anyone check Jan's room fo...
Is It Sentient? Not really — the Marcia-braining football in question is accidentally thrown by Peter — but did anyone check Jan's room for magical hex potions?
How Damaging Is It? Very damaging to Marcia's social life. There's no way she can go on a date looking like some swollen Disney starlet, pre-nose job!
How Damaging Is It? Very damaging to Marcia's social life. There's no way she can go on a date looking like some swollen Disney starlet, pre-nose job!

Is It Sentient? Yes, and though the idea of a killer tree is a little cornball, this one is kind of terrifying. Take that, The Happening.
How Damag... Is It Sentient? Yes, and though the idea of a killer tree is a little cornball, this one is kind of terrifying. Take that, The Happening.
How Damaging Is It? It kidnaps Robbie and will freak out any kid who can see an errant limb through his bedroom window.
How Damag... Is It Sentient? Yes, and though the idea of a killer tree is a little cornball, this one is kind of terrifying. Take that, The Happening.
How Damaging Is It? It kidnaps Robbie and will freak out any kid who can see an errant limb through his bedroom window.

Is It Sentient? No, this Rose McGowan crusher is activated by Ghostface.
How Damaging Is It? Fatal! It's also a trick reprised in the upcoming Scre... Is It Sentient? No, this Rose McGowan crusher is activated by Ghostface.
How Damaging Is It? Fatal! It's also a trick reprised in the upcoming Scream 4, though it's not quite as bad this time around.
How Damaging Is It? Fatal! It's also a trick reprised in the upcoming Scre... Is It Sentient? No, this Rose McGowan crusher is activated by Ghostface.
How Damaging Is It? Fatal! It's also a trick reprised in the upcoming Scream 4, though it's not quite as bad this time around.
Is It Sentient? In the very first scene of the upcoming Tobey Maguire comedy, a piano falls randomly from the sky and crushes a primary character. Why...
Is It Sentient? In the very first scene of the upcoming Tobey Maguire comedy, a piano falls randomly from the sky and crushes a primary character. Why? Where did it come from? You never find out, but as the rest of the story unspools in flashback, it's strongly suggested to be karmic justice.
How Damaging Is It? Significantly more damaging than Wile E. Coyote's anvil, to put it mildly.
How Damaging Is It? Significantly more damaging than Wile E. Coyote's anvil, to put it mildly.
Is It Sentient? It is not, but as the final tool in Mrs. Peltzer's Gremlin-killing arsenal, it's pretty awesome.
How Damaging Is It? See for yourself!
How Damaging Is It? See for yourself!