Before she attempts to please comic-book purists with her turn in next year’s The Amazing Spider-Man, Emma Stone has to win over a fan base that’s potentially even more daunting: the enormous readership that made Kathryn Stockett’s 2009 novel The Help a literary phenomenon. The trailer for the film adaptation of The Help was released today, and it casts Stone as Skeeter, a young writer who dares to explore the lives of black maids in sixties Mississippi and runs into some long-ingrained prejudice along the way (also complicating matters: those truly heinous wet curls Stone is sporting). Then again, the real fireworks are expected to come from the film’s supporting cast, which includes Viola Davis as Aibileen, Octavia Spencer as Minny, and Bryce Dallas Howard as the insufferable Hilly Holbrook. In the movie — as in real life — it’s often the help who have to do most of the heavy lifting. [Moviefone]