
Cougar Town May Really Get a Name Change This Time

Photo: Mario Perez/? 2011 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Photo: Mario Perez/? 2011 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Last year, ABC was mulling options for changing the no-longer-accurate title of Cougar Town (oh, The Cul de Sac Neighborhood, what might have been!), but now, it looks like it really might happen. Creator Bill Lawrence took to Twitter this weekend to ask, “How many of you (if you like show) have had trouble getting others to watch due to crappy/lame/cheesy title?” and when the feedback came pouring in, he wrote, “Screw it. I’m changing it … Seriously, we just decided. Will use fans to help w new title.” Since then, Lawrence has been mulling over clever suggestions (like Friends With Beverages), vetoing other as too dirty (C-Town and The Family Jules have both been nixed), self-flagellating (“I hate the title with passion … Hate myself … “), and quoting Inglourious Basterds to justify changing his show’s name in the face of low ratings: “If I’m going to die, I’d rather go out speaking the King’s.” [VDOOZER/Twitter]


Cougar Town May Really Get a Name Change This Time