trailer mix

Watch the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Trailer that Leaked (?) Online

The first trailer for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, David Fincher’s highly anticipated book adaptation, tells us very little about the movie’s plot but a lot about its tone: intense. That’s Trent Reznor and Karen O covering Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song,” and that’s one ominous-looking white mansion the camera’s heading toward. From this minor preview, it looks like Fincher’s not making your mom’s Dragon Tattoo. Sure, it’s a remake of a Swedish movie based on a crime novel; It was probably never going to be too family-friendly, even if the source is a best-seller. But here’s how hard marketers want you to think this movie will be anticipated: According to The Hollywood Reporter, this trailer, which clearly appears to be illegally filmed in a movie theater and leaked to the Internet, may have actually been planted by Sony. While we resent the tactic, we’re willing to bite anyway. The quick-cuts? Rib cages? Tagline (“The Feel-Bad Movie of Christmas”)? Expectations are now even higher.

Watch the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Trailer that Leaked (?) Online