The first trailer for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, David Fincher’s highly anticipated book adaptation, tells us very little about the movie’s plot but a lot about its tone: intense. That’s Trent Reznor and Karen O covering Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song,” and that’s one ominous-looking white mansion the camera’s heading toward. From this minor preview, it looks like Fincher’s not making your mom’s Dragon Tattoo. Sure, it’s a remake of a Swedish movie based on a crime novel; It was probably never going to be too family-friendly, even if the source is a best-seller. But here’s how hard marketers want you to think this movie will be anticipated: According to The Hollywood Reporter, this trailer, which clearly appears to be illegally filmed in a movie theater and leaked to the Internet, may have actually been planted by Sony. While we resent the tactic, we’re willing to bite anyway. The quick-cuts? Rib cages? Tagline (“The Feel-Bad Movie of Christmas”)? Expectations are now even higher.