who did it best

Glee vs. YouTube: Who Did ‘Try a Little Tenderness’ Best?

Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images
Photo: Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

We did manage to find one bright spot in the weep-fest that was last night’s Glee, which was Mercedes’s blow-the-roof-off-the-joint rendition of “Try a Little Tenderness.” Now, while we would have loved to include Jon Cryer’s immortal version from Pretty in Pink among our competitors, alas, it is a lip-synch, and therefore disqualified. We did, however, pull together a lineup with Chris Brown, Paul Giamatti, and an anonymous man on an alto whistle. Whistle man, if you’re reading this, please, identify yourself.

As Performed By

ISU Encore!

Vocally jazzy.

As Performed By

The Fave Raves

Whatever kind of intestinal discomfort the lead singer of this Japanese cover band is experiencing, he is soldiering through admirably.

As Performed By


Paul Giamatti: surprisingly soulful!

As Performed By

Chris Brown

Wow, Chris Brown, can you hear yourself?!

As Performed By

Man on the Alto Whistle

To play along at home, you'll need a Chieftain low/alto tin whistle.

As Performed By


We're speechless. Yup.

Glee vs. YouTube: Who Did ‘Try a Little Tenderness’ Best?