Adam Pally, who plays Max, the very brotastic homosexual on Happy Endings, was on a much-delayed cross-country flight last night with Tim Robbins. To pass the time, Pally spent it trying to get Tim Robbins laid and live-tweeting about it, a perfect way to entertain both him and us. Pally swore throughout his tweets that he wasn’t making any of this up, and since his tweeting on the subject lasted for over an eight-hour period, he either has too much time on his hands, or he’s telling the truth. Either way, funny guy! Pally kicked things off with a tweet around 10 p.m. Eastern that said, “I dont like to talk about celeb encounters but if Tim Robbins fucks even one of these chicks on this flight its my wingman skills at work,” and went on to tweet about Robbins making sad divorce jokes, jokes about Jews, jokes about the apocalypse, and jokes about whether Pally is really an actor, while Pally got drunker, ate a pot cookie, lusted after some women, and played an excellent wingman. Sample tweets: “Oh no, Tim just made reference to his marriage falling apart. Yikes man, are you trying not to fuck in the bathroom?”; “God damn it, now Tim wants to know what I really do, I said Actor, he looked at me like I was lying and then he asked what my dad does”; “And we’ve turned again, Tim says Cause I’m an obvious Jew I’m gonna burn first in the rapture. Lady’s love this joke. Weirdly I do too”; “TIm “Don’t fuck actresses, they end up fucking you” Me “What about Susan Sarandon should I fuck her?” Tim “you’re insane huh? I dig it” WOW.” For the whole highly entertaining thing, please see Pally’s twitter account. [AdamPallyTwitter]