
Marg Helgenberger Reveals That Justin Bieber Was a Cake-Punching Brat

Photo: Carlos Alvarez/2011 Getty Images
Photo: Carlos Alvarez/2011 Getty Images

In the old days, you could appear on a French talk show and gleefully unload some good set gossip without fear of reprisal, but now that we’ve got the Internet — and hordes of avenging Justin Bieber fans — we fear for Marg Helgenberger, who dissed Bieber’s bullet-riddled CSI guest stint while overseas. (It’s like the Dixie Chicks bashing Bush in London all over again!) At first, when asked to evaluate Bieber’s acting acumen, Helgenberger was … well, not generous, but not yet deliciously wicked: “Justin Bieber wasn’t bad. He’d never acted before.” Then, though, she let loose. “I shouldn’t be saying this, but he was kind of a brat.” Do continue! “I only had one small [scene with him] … he was very nice to me, but he locked one of the producers in a closet. Yes, and he put his fist through a cake that was on the craft service table.” And then he wished Laurence Fishburne into the cornfield — but it’s good that he had a good time! Yeah, it’s real good. (UPDATE: It’s on! Tweeted Bieber just now: “it’s kinda lame when someone you met briefly and never worked with comments on you. I will continue to wish them luck and be kind.”)


Marg Helgenberger Reveals That Justin Bieber Was a Cake-Punching Brat