the industry

A Brian Wilson Movie Is Really Happening

A movie about the Beach Boys’ crazed ex-recluse genius Brian Wilson is the kind of no-brainer project that, one assumes, has been kicking around Hollywood for years, waiting for the right confluence of events. Well, the confluence is now: Producers Bill Pohlad and John Wells have secured the rights to the man’s music, are working closely with Brian and his wife Melinda on the project, and have hired Oren Moverman to write a script. Moverman is a very promising choice; he wrote the bonkers screenplay for rad Dylan flick I’m Not There, and he’s now got a Kurt Cobain project in the works (he also co-wrote and directed The Messenger, which didn’t have anything to do with musical legends but was very good). The producers are not planning on repeating Moverman’s I’m Not There trick of having various actors play various parts of the persona, but they are heading in some unconventional direction: “I have no interest in making a biopic,” says Pohlad. [24 Frames/LAT]

A Brian Wilson Movie Is Really Happening