Are you possibly in need of a pick-me-up this morning? Great news: Britney Spears’s music video for “I Wanna Go” has dropped, and it is awe-inspiring in almost exactly the way it intended to be. Seriously: Vulture is having a really hard time processing the fact that this thing starts off with a full-on re-creation of the “fuck you, fuck you, fuck you … you’re cool” scene from Half Baked, featuring the real Scarface (a.k.a. Guillermo Díaz, possibly known to you from Weeds or as a promoter of the legendary Wrap It Up box). And then … gets crazier: Britney grabs a fan’s butt, gets fun-groped by a cop, smashes a camera, and, like, kills a bunch of paparazzi with a microphone. (During that scene, a marquee in the background is advertising Crossroads 2: Cross Harder. That is intentionally funny!) One of the paparazzi is a terminator, though, so Britney has to run away, which she does, in a convertible, with Scarface. Then Scarface performs a random milk bukkake on himself. (Coincidentally, Random Milk Bukkake is the name of our J-Pop Neutral Milk Hotel covers duo.) Turns out, Scarface is a robot too. Why? Well, the spirit of the song, as reflected in the video, is that of free will and dream fulfillment in the face of a repressive society. Once, I was the robot, Britney is saying, stifled by a (well, still in effect) conservatorship. But now? Now I’m living my life — and all of you are the robots.