Joe Rogan has signed on to host the revived Fear Factor, which he tells TV Guide is “like some sort of bizarro dream world … I’m looking forward to it.” He had a slightly different take on the series a few months ago when he was a guest on Marc Maron’s “WTF” podcast. “[Fear Factor] is mindless entertainment,” he said in March. “There were a lot of times I didn’t enjoy [hosting] at all. While I was doing it, I was making fun of it.” He defended the show, too. Sort of. “The show was hot dogs. Are hot dogs bad for you? Well, you shouldn’t eat them all day every day. But sometimes I want a steak, and sometimes I want a fucking hot dog. Sometimes I come home from a hard day at work and I want to watch fuckheads eat animal dicks on TV. Why is that bad?” Why indeed? Rogan deflected Maron’s repeated insistence that he’d sold out, that he’d personally contributed to the degradation of humankind, that he’d made a Faustian bargain, etc., but did admit that he had to use some coping mechanisms. “The first season I did sober,” Rogan said. “The second through sixth season, I was high as fuck … for 90 percent of the episodes.” No wonder this seems like a bizarro dream.
Exclusive: Joe Rogan to Return as Fear Factor Host [TV Guide]
Episode 161 - Joe Rogan [WTFPod]