Colbert’s Pine Fresh Dick Scrub: Because Everyone’s Genitals Are Wrong

It’s about time our God-fearing American vaginas finally found a voice in Summer’s Eve’s talking vagina ads, whether those vags happen to be connected to a woman’s body, or suddenly attached to the ends of Stephen Colbert’s arms. As for the ads themselves: multiculturalism is a positive, elusive goal, but the African-American vagina literally does a sassy head bob. And when the Latina vagina says, “Ay ay ay”? My anthropomorphic vageene started to head bob. Luckily, in the interest of a fair and balanced approach to junk offensiveness, Colbert’s Dick Scrub now promises an Autumnal Afternoon Pine Fresh experience for the bouncer at Ball Mountain. Cool Ranch and Rad scents coming soon.

Colbert’s Pine Fresh Dick Scrub: Because Everyone’s […]