By the time Jay-Z signed him to Roc Nation in November, the ever-talented Jay Electronica had been active for so long without releasing a debut album that some people understandably doubted whether the Hova-brokered record deal would actually come to fruition. Well, it has! Electronica announced via Twitter that his album, Act II: Patents of Nobility (The Turn) (take that, Kid Cudi’s Man on the Moon II: The Legend of Mr. Rager), is done. Jay writes: “Album soon come. Ask Bun B, he heard the album in its entirety. a thouand kisses to all of those who have supported me since Act I: Eternal Sunshine (the pledge). I am grateful for your patience. I will not let any of you down. I promise. I will not let any of you down. I promise … Jay Z, Bun B, Jeymes Samuel, Tony Tagoe, Erykah Badu. These are the only ppl that have heard the album in its entirety. Watch The Throne, [J. Cole’s] Cold World: The Sideline Story and Act II: Patents Of Nobility (the turn) will set the bar at an all time high.” To mark the occasion: one more time, Jay Electronica’s “Exhibit C.” [RapRadar]