Today in Magic Mike news, Steven Soderbergh’s male-stripper drama has finally added some girls for heterosexual cover. Coming Soon reports that Jessica Biel will play Channing Tatum’s girlfriend, while E! says Riley Keough will fill that role for Alex Pettyfer (though the E! source also claims that Lindsay Lohan almost nabbed the part, so … grain of salt?). Meanwhile, the production has also added another hard-abbed former model to its male-stripper stable: Cuban actor William Levy, who appeared in Jennifer Lopez’s video “I’m Into You.” And finally, are you ready for the first snippet of dialogue we’ve gotten from the screenplay? That’d be Matthew McConaughey’s strip-club owner barking at one of his exotic dancers, “I want you to go back and fuck that mirror like you mean it!” We are just one swimming-pool orgasm away from movie magic here, people. UPDATE: Variety’s Justin Kroll claims that Biel passed on the role. [JustJared, E!, Coming Soon]