In the new Details profile of Armie Hammer, the actor comes off well, but his journalist wife Elizabeth Chambers comes off even better. Take this random Christmas anecdote about unexpectedly weird gift-giving: “I gave her this little .22 revolver,” recalls Hammer. “She got me a Sig Sauer P220 — a great .45 automatic.” Or how about this story, told by Chambers, about how she sassed Leonardo DiCaprio right off the bat when Hammer worked with him on J. Edgar: “I actually met Leo when I was modeling in Tokyo when I was in high school. He hooked up with my roommate. When I saw him on set after all those years, I said, ‘Tell me you’re not an asshole. Do not make me hate you for the rest of the shoot. She was Spanish — you took a bath your first night together. What’s her name?’ And he goes, ‘Marta.’” Actually, Leonardo DiCaprio comes off pretty well in that profile, too. Grace under pressure! [Details]