Hank Azaria’s Free Agent Character Is Frank Grimes

Hank Azaria stars in Free Agents this fall using his body meat for a change, but his protagonist Alex remains sadly reminiscent of a particular late, great citizen of Springfield. “Do you remember the episode that has Frank Grimes in it? Remember that show?,” Azaria naively, humbly asked Vulture. “Kind of a one-off character. This guy comes to the Springfield the nuclear power plant, works for Homer and gets really jealous that everything works out for Homer even though Homer is an idiot. There’s a lot of Frank Grimes in Alex — nothing works out for him and he’s tremendously sad and yet somehow, hopefully, it’s funny.” I’m assuming that means we can look forward to Azaria’s character being fatally electrocuted by an extremely high voltage wire in a nuclear power plant? If so, I’m going to start laughing…now.

Hank Azaria’s Free Agent Character Is Frank Grimes