It doesn’t have a title, but ringleader Dave Longstreth tells Spin that it’s “pretty much complete” and due in early 2012. He also goes into amusing details about a few of the tracks: One, “Swing Low Magellan,” was inspired by a GPS system and “a 19-year-old vegan driver kid”; another is a response to the Strokes’$2 2001 Is This it (title: “Maybe That Was It”). The band has been writing and recording in a “haunted” house upstate, and the interview appropriately (if creepily) ends with Longstreth discovering a drowned mouse in the attic. “A lot of the songs are about horror and fear,” he promises. Yeah, we believe you. UPDATE: So that Strokes response bit was actually a joke, says Longstreth, though there is still a song called “Maybe That Was It” on the album. We will continue to assume the dead mouse was real until otherwise notified. [Spin]