
Watch Nicki Minaj Duet With the ‘Super Bass’ Princess

Last week, a young British girl named Sophia Grace Brownlee tore up the Internet with her dynamite YouTube performance of Nicki Minaj’s “Super Bass.” It’s a frequently covered song (Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez have both given it a try), but Vulture felt no qualms about immediately declaring Sophia’s version as the All-Time Greatest. A princess dress, a British accent, and legitimately impressive 8-year-old flow: These are an unbeatable combination. Luckily, the folks at Ellen agree and, continuing their excellent tradition of introducing viral-video stars to beloved celebrities, they invited Nicki Minaj to surprise Sophia on the show. Predictably, it is great! Sophia, along with her adorable hype girl, starts screaming excitedly; Nicki, kneeling down to eye-level, offers some genuine encouragement (and a whole stay-in-school speech which, if off topic, is still sound advice). Then they launch into “Super Bass” (below), and Sophia straight nails it. Nicki can’t even get a word in! Watch it again, and don’t miss the wigs. Totally delightful.

Watch Nicki Minaj Duet With the ‘Super Bass’ Princess