
Rihanna’s ‘We Found Love’ Video: Raves, Ribbon Vomit, and a Guy Who Sure Looks Like Chris Brown

Well, Rihanna is at it again. The video for “We Found Love,” the first single off her upcoming Talk That Talk, just dropped, and the field-stripping scene that got her in trouble with an Irish farmer is the least of its provocations. Herewith, a short list of the activities that parents and concerned agrarians may find objectionable: smoking, drinking, dancing on fast-food tables, dancing at raves, heavy petting, stealing groceries, drunk wheelies, and bathing while fully clothed. Candy-colored drugs (and the aforementioned ribbon vomit) abound. But the reference that’s sure to invite commentary is, of course, the resemblance of Rihanna’s main love interest to one Chris Brown (dyed blonde hair and all). There’s a (non-physical) argument in a car, along with a voice-over that warns us, “No one will ever understand how much it hurts … you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back, so that you have the good.” In this version, Rihanna doesn’t shoot the guy — she just stumbles out of the apartment, backpack in hand. And she does seem to be having a pretty stellar time in the rest of the video. (Field raves? Awesome.) Anyway, fair warning: You will probably be hearing more about this.

Rihanna’s ‘We Found Love’ Video: Raves, Ribbon Vomit, and a Guy Who Sure Looks Like Chris Brown