Marilyn Monroe is everywhere these days — she’s the main character in the film My Week With Marilyn, the subject of the musical-within-the-show on NBC’s hotly anticipated Smash, and (lest we forget) the inspiration for Lindsay Lohan’s new Playboy shoot – but one place you soon won’t be able to find Monroe is on Megan Fox’s forearm. We caught up with Fox yesterday at Montblanc’s 24-Hour Plays on Broadway, and though she confessed to some nerves about performing in the quickly written one-acts — “I took some Chinese herbs for anxiety,” she told us — that feeling is nothing compared to her ongoing sessions to remove a large tattoo of Monroe from her forearm. “It is so painful,” she said to Vulture. “It’s a hundred times worse than the tattoo itself. I think it will come off really easily, though, and I’m not going to put something over it. I have the right skin type for removing it, so I think it will look fine. They tell you when you come in that the more pale your skin and fair your skin is, the easier it is to remove.” Fox says she’s got “three or four more” sessions left to go, and though she’s still enamored enough with Monroe to be anticipating My Week With Marilyn, she’s ready to be done with her tattoo. “I was just over it,” she said, adding simply, “I got it when I was 18, and now I’m 25.”