As nice as it was to have The-Dream drop “ROC” last week, many of the songwriter’s fans were hoping that the song was a sign that the long-delayed Love IV (Diary of a Mad Man) was nearing completion. Well, according to the singer, whose real name is Terius Nash, that’s exactly what it meant. Earlier this afternoon, Nash tweeted: “Almost cried…. So internally happy about this Album no bullshit. Its really Good. So Happy……. Over Joy… Blessed can’t wait to share.” If that wasn’t effusive enough for you, the singer later tweeted (and from his parked car no less): “Won’t be a better album out this year unless I put out love 5 and 6. Strait face!” Based on last week’s track, this will probably depend on whether or not you already dig his brand of falsetto vocals over synth-saturated R&B, but regardless, it’s nice to see that he’s so excited about it! In other The-Dream Twitter news, he called out TMZ for saying that he owed the I.R.S. $117,000 in back taxes. “I’m what the people at IRS call a Model Citizen. I believe the GOV paid me last year about 1.2 mil. Ummm TMZ you can’t just say whatever lol,” he wrote.