Giancarlo Esposito, best known as elegant megabadass Gus Fring on Breaking Bad, is doing an AMA — that’s “ask me anything,” for the uninitiated — on Reddit right this very moment. So far, he’s talked about admiring Edward James Olmos’s performance on Miami Vice and has admitted to snagging a Pollos Hermanos mug and a pencil eraser from the set of BB, which just goes to prove that actors always play characters close to themselves. If you’re a set-design/prop-master aficionado, Esposito says the actual chicken served at Los Pollos Hermanos is from a place called Twisters, and the photos in Gus’s house are actually of Esposito’s real family.
Louis C.K. did an AMA a few weeks ago, which means FX and AMC are now covered; someone from an HBO show will do the next one, and theirs will inevitably be fancier, but not necessarily better or more popular.