As you may know, Vulture is on a very serious mission to bring you any and all news even tangentially related to Steven Soderbergh’s male stripper flick, Magic Mike, which is based on the early career of Channing Tatum. So when we caught up with True Blood’s Joe Manganiello, who appears in the film as Big Dick Richie, at the Los Angeles premiere of Soderbergh’s Haywire, we asked him — not for the first or last time — about Magic Mike. How did the “dancing” go? “I wouldn’t call myself a professional dancer,” Manganiello said, “But I will say that when I got back to my trailer and shook my clothes off, there were some one-dollar bills that fell out.” Who on the cast makes for the best stripper? “Oh, Channing, by far. He’s like on another level. Obviously, he’s got more experience,” Manganiello answered without hesitation. “Matt Bomer was a musical theater major in college, so he had to do a lot of dance, so Matt’s got some great routines.” And what was their first time stripping all together like? “The funniest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I didn’t stop laughing for about two months straight. But usually when you’re done with projects, you promise to stay in touch with everyone, and you don’t. On this one, we all have, and we all hang out, and we all talk to each other during the week. So we’ve bonded.”