The Ricky Gervias–doth-protest-too-much watch is back in effect. He’s vowing never to do the Golden Globes ever ever again — though if last year is any indication, he’ll publicly hesitate for a hot second before of course signing on again, and then spend a year patting himself on the back for having the guts to boldly make some just-okay jokes. “I’ve told my agent to never let me be persuaded to do it again though,” Gervais writes on his blog. “It’s like a parachute jump. You can only really enjoy it in retrospect when you realise you didn’t die and it was quite an amazing thing to do.” It is just like that. He also writes that the audience, at last, wised up to his brilliance. “I think they finally worked out that my gags only seemed rude and nasty but were actually not too scary at all,” he writes. Ricky, those gags didn’t seem rude or nasty.