There was no denying that Martin Starr — with his long hair, trucker hat, and mottled beard — had one of the most distinct Sundance “looks” at last night’s Simon Killer party at Bing Bar. (Besides the guy in the floor-length chinchilla coat, and our second-favorite sighting of the evening: Edward James Olmos.) Starr looked like the guy people loved in Freaks and Geeks and Party Down, but to other, very drunk, people in the room, he apparently looked like a guy who knows about certain things, chiefly about the attainment of illicit substances.
This writer approached Starr just as he was getting his chest stroked by a drunk guy who couldn’t believe that Starr was wearing a shirt bearing the cartoon faces of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Starr politely let him stroke away: “Yeah, man, the Beatles! That happened!”
When that guy walked away, mind blown, Starr told me of the even stranger encounter he’d had that evening. About a minute after Starr (who’s in the fest film Save the Date) walked in the door, “A guy came up and asked me if I knew where to get coke.” Actually, it wasn’t just a guy, but a couple in their mid-forties. “My theory is that they were walking through the party talking about how much more awesome it would be if they were on coke, and then they were like, ‘How do we get some coke?’ And then I walked in. I’m pretty sure that was the extent of the thought process.” Then again, he added, “Or maybe I just look like a guy who knows where to get some coke.” For the record, Martin Starr does not know where to get you some coke. But the guy in the chinchilla coat might.
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