So, it’s been a whole four days since the poorly received SNL debut of one Lana Del Rey. Where are you in your own personal Undulating Curve of Shifting Expectations — backlash? Backlash to backlash? So broken by five months of the Great Lana Del Rey Internet Controversy that you can’t make sense of a basic sine wave anymore? Know that you are not alone — but also know that it is another eleven days before Born to Die even drops, and so this discussion is far from over. Case in point: Today, noted feminist Whitney Cummings weighs in with a “Straight up blog on Lana Del Rey.” Here we go!
Cummings, for the record, wasn’t too down with that SNL performance, either:
I just watched the SNL performance and I think her rhythms are weird an odd and bizarre. She seemed nervous obviously. She moves in a very drunk-at-a-wedding-and-gonna-regret-it-in-the-morning-type way which is all I really need to be entertained. I’m not saying support bad music or that she deserved to be there or anything-not my call-I’m just saying lets make the punishment at least fit the crime.
But she doesn’t really agree with the amount of hate that is being directed at LDR:
I just think whether someone sucks or someone doesn’t we should be kinder to them. So whether or not Lana sucked, I think we should be encouraging and patient. Other peoples success doesn’t fuck up our lives and other people failures should not brighten them.
Cummings also has some reasonable, if unoriginal, thoughts about the difficulties of being a woman in the spotlight. (“[I]f you’re a pretty woman you’re accused of having plastic surgery and if you’re not you’re “busted” and people blog about how they don’t want to fuck you … it’s not ideal.”) But in summary, the co-creator of the mean-spirited and much-maligned NBC sitcom Whitney would like you to be nicer to Lana Del Rey, and everyone in general. “Kindness” — Whitney Cummings, now and forever.
Eleven more days!