An important piece of female anthropology, proven today: It takes approximately fourteen years for two women to forgive each other for staking claims on the same, kind of shady dude. But when they do come around, the two women in question will be very supportive of one another as they put (presumably) new shady dudes out on the curb. So we learn from “It All Belongs to Me,” Brandy and Monica’s much-anticipated follow-up to the 1998 classic “Boy Is Mine.” It’s a karaoke-friendly (meaning: not so damn high) answer to “Irreplaceable,” basically, though B&M are more concerned with itemizing what, exactly, is still theirs (clothes, cars, rings, and, hilariously, that Macbook) than directing the gentleman where to put his things. But most important: Rather than fighting over the scrub, Brandy and Monica are on the same team here. Awww, reunited for real.