A few weeks back, Converse announced that it had recruited Gorillaz, LCD Soundsystem guy turned coffee-maker James Murphy, and Andre 3000 for one of its “throw famous musicians in a studio and have them record something” sessions (or “3 Artists. 1 Song.” as they are more officially known). “Cool!” the Internet generally responded, before going back to making Downton Tabby mash-ups or whatever the Internet does while it waits for new music. But hey, you can stop your weird mashing now! “DoYaThing” just premiered on BBC1, and it is as bonkers as you might hope from the above lineup. Albarn spends the first couple of verses yelling melodically over a bouncy beat, and James Murphy sings real high, and then they surrender the track to Andre 3000, who just plain slaughters it. “Can we get an Outkast album now?” Zane Lowe asks as the song fades out, which is pretty much what everyone is thinking after this one.