Enjoy this news with the requisite grain of salt till it’s verified by a spot that doesn’t contain the word rumor in its very title, but 98 Degrees are probably getting the boy band back together. (That sound you hear is someone, somewhere, who has managed to track down or possibly create pirated DVDs of Total Request Live and watches them daily at 3:30 p.m., going “!!!!!!!!!!!!”) Jeff Timmons, whose sweet 98 Degrees tat is pictured here, did a residency with the Chippendales a year ago, so while the TRL-viewingest of you may be intrigued, there’s no way you’re as psyched as the guy a) getting his bros back, b) putting the mostly nude dancing in the past, and c) totally validating his righteous bicep ink. It’s fine timing for a reunion, heralded by the New York Times-approved, Billboard-sanctioned, Vulture-noted resurgence of the hot-hunks-playing-zero-instruments-whatsoever genre, as well as the late-nineties group’s newly spiffed-up website. (That’s how it went down, right? “Dudes, should we update www.98degrees.com?” “Definitely, bro. Should we get back together, too? Not really doing much, man.” “Sure, bro.”) Both Timmons and Nick Lachey have been cagey about the reunion on Twitter, but we’ll stop there, because there’s no way we were just reading those guys’s tweets.