
Gotye Is a Little Tired of His Song Now

Photo: Michael Buckner/Getty Images

“Somebody That I Used to Know” just landed a crucial James Franco endorsement — plus another week atop the Billboard Hot 100 — but there is one individual who is feeling some doubt about the Era of Plinking. That person would be Gotye, the song’s writer, who told NME “Sometimes I feel like I’m a bit sick of it. My inbox, on any given day, has at least five covers or parodies or remixes of it and there’s only so many times you can listen to the one song.” He added that he’s glad people are listening, and he doesn’t feel limited by its success. Still, he does “feel like saying to people sometimes ‘Come on guys, there are other songs out there’.” Indeed! Also: Gotye is becoming a little bit of a quote machine, huh?

Gotye Is a Little Tired of His Song Now