How difficult was it to convince financiers to put up a bond for troubled party girl Lindsay Lohan in her comeback bid, the Lifetime movie Liz and Dick? “Lindsay Lohan may be the most insured actress that ever walked on a soundstage, for this movie,” producer Larry Thompson tells E! “We’ve tried to anticipate a lot of things. We hope none of them happen.” Thompson says that Lohan’s contract included “three pages of what-ifs,” though he allowed that the production moved from Canada to Los Angeles, just in case a Lohantervention should prove necessary. “We thought we’d maybe minimize some risk by shooting here in LA,” he said, adding candidly, “We have the illusion that maybe we can control the situation a bit better … Now if I learn to regret it, sitting here today I think it is still — for the movie— a great risk to run.” Fortunately, Lindsay Lohan has never gotten into any trouble in Los Angeles, so things should be fine.