Kate Winslet has been using her Titanic 3-D publicity tour as a campaign for real talk, and fresh from harshing on Celine Dion’s immortal theme song, Winslet has circled back around to her co-star, Leonardo DiCaprio. You may remember that last time Winslet discussed the once-twinky DiCaprio, she giggled about how “Leo looks so young and so skinny” in the 1997 movie. This time, though, she is through with merely implying the obvious. “We do look very different [now], we’re older,” Winslet said on the chat show Daybreak today. “Leo’s 37, I’m 36 — we were 21 and 22 when we made that film. You know, he’s fatter now — I’m thinner. It’s true, though!” Have you got all that? Next time, she will bring charts.