Scott Cooper’s Crazy Heart follow-up Out of the Furnace recently attracted Casey Affleck and Zoe Saldana (plus rumors of, oh, let’s see, Robert Duvall, Viggo Mortensen, Forrest Whittaker, Billy Bob Thornton) to act in the Christian Bale vehicle. Now Sam Shepard is onboard as the uncle of Bale’s newly released convict who’s forced to dive back into law-bustin’ to avenge his murdered brother. “This is a meaty script with characters as strong as they are complex, and we needed powerhouse actors who complement the story. Christian, Casey, Zoe and Sam each approach everything they do with heart and conviction, ” said Relativity Media’s Tucker Tooley. You heard the man, actors of heart and conviction. Get your agents on the phone before this ship sails the mighty seas of integrity.