Take a Tour of Debra Messing’s Remarkably Terrible Wardrobe on Smash
Smash has had an uneven first season. A hugely promising pilot — not to mention a still-promising premise — was followed up with a lot of nothing. Why is Ellis the worst? Why is Leo also the worst? Are we really supposed to root for Karen, even though Ivy is obviously more talented? All those issues seem minor, though, compared to Smash’s biggest, most glaring problem: Debra Messing’s wardrobe, which combines bulky silhouettes with an irrational amount of layering, plus shawls and wraps and scarves piled high to indicate some kind of tea-sipping wisdom. Here are the most egregious offenders, gathered from only eight episodes. Eight! There have only been eight episodes so far.

Julia has a few go-to pieces. Scarves, obviously, but also dusters. The lady loves a schmata, the more shapeless and sacklike the better.

This is what Julia wears to a booty call. Adultery is bad, but this lab-coat thing is much, much worse.

We weren't kidding about the scarves. These are all from the same episode!

Even her sleepwear is ill-fitting. Has The Sopranos taught us nothing? Keep loose sleeves away from open flames!

Where do we start? What is that cape/shawl? Why is this top a turtleneck? Is it a top or a dress? Why do peep-toe shoeties exist? Is there a more unfl...
Where do we start? What is that cape/shawl? Why is this top a turtleneck? Is it a top or a dress? Why do peep-toe shoeties exist? Is there a more unflattering length for a smock than right at the calf? And finally, what Tusken Raider from Star Wars had to die so Julia could have his outfit?
Photo: NBC
Scarf and duster, everybody drink.

It's that same G-D duster, now made more unflattering with the addition of a wide belt. How many layers does one librettest need?

Believe it or not, this is actually a different duster.
The blouse is sort of cute — though note the built-in scarf! — but Julia's outfits already have such a she-wizard feel that we'd be wary of abstract j...
The blouse is sort of cute — though note the built-in scarf! — but Julia's outfits already have such a she-wizard feel that we'd be wary of abstract jewelry. It just makes everything seem even more likely to end in crystals and candles and incantations.
Bonus bad outfit! Derek has an ankle-length coat, like a dirtbag Truman Capote.