last night on late night

Last Night on Late Night: Kristen Stewart Hobbled Onstage, Dashed to See Tupac Hologram With Katy Perry at Coachella

Last night on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kristen Stewart showed off her swag gimp walk after a Breaking Dawn shoot injury last week, and recounted, albeit apologetically for the name-drop, her Moses moment as she and Katy Perry parted “the waves of Coachella” on their dash to the front of Tupac’s hologram concert. Plus: Beth Behrs impersonated a baby velociraptor, and her TV heroine Martha Stewart caught her mid-screech; Michelle Pfeiffer stumbled into David Spade’s hotel room in Las Vegas; and Matt Walsh broke down the comedic value of apes — monkeys and chimpanzees, always funny; gorillas and orangutans, dramatic — and explained the nasty human nepotism they faced in early Hollywood. Watch our compilation to see what you missed.

Kristen Stewart Hobbled, Talked Katy Perry