good moves

Smash Cuts Two Characters [Updated]

SMASH – Jaime Cepero as Ellis Boyd
SMASH – “Let’s Be Bad” Episode 105 – Pictured: Jaime Cepero as Ellis Boyd Photo: Patrick Harbron/NBC

It looks like Dev and Ellis aren’t going to be back on Smash next season. According to EW, Raza Jaffrey and Jaime Cepero won’t be series regulars next season and will appear at most on one or two episodes to finish off their story lines. Wow, maybe dreams do come true! Update: Now TV Line is saying two more characters are out: Julia’s husband Frank (Brian D’Arcy James) and Bombshell’s Joe DiMaggio Michael (Will Chase) are leaving, too. Life upon the wicked stage, kids.

Smash Cuts Two Characters [Updated]