Better start figuring out how to clone yourself because the 14th Annual Del Close Marathon Line-Up is a doozy. The non-stop 50+ hour improv festival, which begins on June 29th, is nearly two months earlier than it has been in previous years, as to not interfere with pilot casting and thus allow more LA performers to participate. Some notable shows include: “30 Rock Writers”, which pairs actual 30 Rock writers with the actors who play TGS writers – a nearly three-hour taping of Matt Besser’s podcast, improv4humans – “Hot Sauce”, featuring Ben Schwartz, Adam Pally, and Gil Ozeri – and like 12 zillion more shows. Seriously, just go through some of the post-midnight offerings and giggle with geeky glee. As is the case with DCM, reading the schedule, like the festival itself, is an equally exciting and exhausting process. See you there through baggy eyes.