The second-most anticipated track on Rick Ross’s upcoming God Forgives, I Don’t (you just can’t look forward to something more than a song called “Diced Pineapples” — sorry) is here, and it’s a classy piece of production. On “3 Kings,” Dr. Dre’s hungry delivery cancels out the shameless plug that “you should listen to this beat on my headphones,” and Ross’s less corny but also less achievable suggestion that “we should listen to this track in my Maybach” resides in a sea of standard Ross fare (stacks, asses, personal mythology, bagged money). Then comes Jay-Z for two straight minutes, mentioning Blue Ivy a couple times (“ni**as couldn’t fuck with my daughter’s room / ni**as couldn’t walk in my daughter’s socks“), Robin Williams once, and wrapping it up with some a casual a capella freestyle.