Greg Daniels dropped a bombshell yesterday but instead of having a bomb inside of it, it had the news that The Office will be ending this season. Vulture caught up with him to ask about what’s to come. Here is a bit of what we came expect:
“David Wallace sent Andy to Outward Bound training over the summer to make him more decisive and confident, and he decides while eating bugs on solo to aggressively go after Nellie and hound her out of the office … Jake Lacy and Clark Duke will play two guys in their twenties, Pete and Clark, who are hired to go through the back log of over 4,000 unanswered customer complaints that Kelly leaves behind when she leaves … We’re going to find out who the Scranton Strangler is.”
But, Greg, Greg, GREG, what about Steve Carell?
“We’d certainly wish for it … It would be fantastic if he would return. He’s probably anxious about not messing up such a stylish exit. We’ll see. We haven’t written [the finale]. We have ideas … But he’s pretty busy.”
Is Michael Scott ultimately necessary for a proper Office finale?