These days, Shia LaBeouf is busy dusting up his his post-Transformers acting credentials, first by method-drinking for Prohibition-era Lawless, then appearing nude in Sigur Rós’ latest artsy short, and now telling MTV News that he’s ready to perform real sex for Lars Von Trier’s newest project, the aptly-named Nymphomaniac.
Nymphomaniac is what you think it is. It is Lars von Trier, making a movie about what he’s making. For instance, there’s a disclaimer at the top of the script that basically says we’re doing it for real. Everything that is illegal, we’ll shoot in blurred images. Other than that, everything is happening.
As some have noted, and LaBeouf himself acknowledged, this isn’t the first movie to try such a stunt — Patrice Chéreau’s 2001 film Intimacy broke this particular cinematic sex barrier first. But that’s unlikely to comfort LaBeouf’s girlfriend, 23-year-old Karolyn Pho, who was seen tearfully fighting with the whiskery actor curbside in Los Angeles on Friday. Though Pho did quickly try to dispel rumors that the spat was due to LaBeouf’s pending onscreen romp, telling the New York Daily News that, “It was nothing affiliated with his movie.”