Steven Tyler is robbing the world of his weekly wisdom sessions on American Idol, but at least we’ll still be getting tidbits here and there thanks to the press around Aerosmith’s tour and November album. “When I write my lyrics, it’s a train of thought — sometimes it doesn’t make all the stops,” he quips to L.A. Weekly. Oh, you! Not that he isn’t pleased with the new album. “I brought Johnny Depp down [to the studio] the first time to listen to the album because I was so proud of it,” he says. “One night Jim Carrey came over and I let him listen to [it] and he just about shit. I love rubbing noses with people that are highly successful and clearly out of their fucking minds.” That’s probably an asset given Tyler’s line of work, a career he still clearly enjoys. “I just wrote a song called ‘Beautiful’ and there’s a little rap in the front and it goes into a chorus that’s like music of the future,” he says. “It’s a chorus that’s a half-time chorus, and no one’s ever done that, and why did I do that? Because I don’t give a fuck.”