vulture reads

Your Sunday Long Reads: Cronenberg Talks About Pattinson, Zadie Smith’s New Novel, and Jon Stewart’s International Counterparts

Photo: Caitlin Cronenberg

It’s Sunday afternoon, or: your last chance to read all that stuff you meant to read last week before Monday brings a new deluge of things you will want to read. Below, some of our recommendations:

David Cronenberg: How I seduced Rob Pattinson,” by Andrew O’Hehir (Salon): In an interview about his new movie, Cosmopolis, the director talks about adapting Don DeLillo’s book into a screenplay, and how he ended up casting R-Pat in the resulting film.

NW,” by Zadie Smith (Guardian): An excerpt from the author’s forthcoming fourth novel, a “dazzling portrait of modern London” seven years in the making.

Global Stewarts,” (Foreign Policy in Focus):  A roundup of Jon Stewart’s international counterparts, featuring political gadflies from China, Venezuela, France, India, Egypt, and pretty much everywhere in between.

Kelsey Grammer on Boss, Frasier, and Toy Story 2’s ‘repressed little shit,’” by Will Harris (A.V. Club): The actor discusses the roles that defined his career.

Wilde in the Office,” by Kaya Genç (LA Review of Books): A look at Oscar Wilde’s performance at first and only day job: editing a fashion magazine.

Tour Bus Confidential: Behind Music’s Bumpy Road Show,” by David Peisner (Spin): Thanks to music industry cost-cutting, touring is a lot less glamorous than it used to be — especially for the drivers.

For more in-depth weekend readings, visit our friends at Longreads.

Sunday Reads: David Cronenberg, Zadie Smith