Vulture attended a screening of This Must Be the Place hosted by the Cinema Society last night, and with the election just weeks away, we decided to sidestep the obvious film-related question — What the fuck was up with Sean Penn’s hair? — and instead ask attendees for their thoughts on the campaign. Debbie Harry’s response had us both tickled pink and terrified: “It’s scary as hell, isn’t it?” she said. “I am scared shitless. Politics.” When pressed to be more specific, she added, “I am thinking we have been invaded by aliens who have reduced the intelligence level of the entire fucking country to cement.” But don’t let the extraterrestrials keep you from the polls, she advised: “Vote. Everybody should vote. Just vote, vote, vote. I don’t know, man. Everybody should study the real facts instead of just all of this verbiage. It is so frustrating. There is so much lying going on; it is horrible.” And with that, she walked away.
Also, this happened. You’re welcome.